Who loves to play game consoles? Well who wouldn’t want to anyway? Not only that it’s fun but you can enjoy playing in the safety of your very own home. Game consoles have been around for quite some time now and in this modern era we are in, can you imagine how advanced and hi-tech these consoles have become? Who’s not familiar with the Play Station, Wii or Xbox? Let’s say that nowadays, it’s one of every kid’s dreams.
With game consoles being around, of course there will be tons of available games to be played in it. Each game is stored through devices that hold all gaming data. The typical ones are now in the form CD’s which can be easily inserted and read by the game console. Now, the Microsoft Company made a discovery using bar codes that will enhance game support. How is this related with games that run around game consoles? The games available for game consoles aren’t flawless, they have issues intertwined and those issues are the target of Piñata bar codes. Yes, the bar codes developed are called Piñata bar codes. The name was inspired from a particular game called Viva Piñata that used bar codes. Those bar codes were then further enhanced which then resulted the Piñata bar codes. Piñata bar codes can store double the size of data the conventional black and white bar codes do. Now they are currently in the process to roll out on Xbox 360 games. What can it do? Piñata bar codes can be scanned by using your very own mobile phone or webcam. For what? That is to gain access to game data. How cool is that? Game support at your very own hands! All you need is to scan the Piñata bar code and you will then be directed to a website containing game related information. Another good thing about Piñata bar codes is that it can also help prevent piracy. How? Piracy is a problem faced by many developing companies because it steals all possible sale bound to be made. With people making illegal copies of game data and selling it at cheaper prices, of course some people will prefer to buy pirated ones instead of the original ones. That is why Piñata bar codes may come very handy when it comes to this kind of problem. Without verified and legal Piñata bar codes, you’ll know if the game you’re playing is pirated or not. So how can Piñata bar codes be better? Oh there are more advantages you can benefit from these bar codes that will provide you a better gaming experience. Think of it as your gaming partner, Piñata bar codes will provide you all possible information you need with just a sway of your phone! Not only that, with add on security feature; you’ll surely enjoy an authentic game to play. Now why bother looking up answers for your gaming inquiries? When you can simply scan your Piñata bar code and voila! You get all the game support you’ll ever need!